I never thought Lily Allen and I would have much in common, however she is there in Acre making a film for the WWF and she can only help by more publicity to stop de-forestation. I thing the girl has a lovely voice and a load of talent, but getting photographed with a ciggie in her mouth is disappointing remember girl you are a 'Role Model' and is is really necessary to have such profanity in your music. The trouble is if the truth be known she makes me feel old, I remember when old Mary Whitehouse used to be there banging her drum and I used to think silly old duffer what does she know, get a life! Now I am there doing exactly the same, Never being interested in computer games and so never played them but when I see the the horrendous violence glorified I shudder. Rap music well as someone who loves Black music and without Northern Soul my life would have been so much harder but Rap does nothing for me but make me sad.
One day Lily like me will start thinking more about children's influences and then I hope we just see the talent she has and not how to shock and sell Cd's.
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