Just received the following email today from the Humane Society International.
The bloody spectacle of bullfighting is responsible for the deaths of up to 250,000 animals worldwide every year. At bullfights, the audience cheers as animals are taunted, injured, and often killed.
Many veterinarians, zoologists and ex-matadors themselves agree that bulls are forced to endure unnecessary stress and suffering both in and out of the ring, all in the name of entertainment. Sign our petition asking that Catalonia ban this cruel practice!
Bullfighting is already banned in many countries, and although it is still legal in both Spain and Mexico, some cities in both nations have independently outlawed the practice of bullfighting.
Catalonia may be next. After an overwhelming demonstration of public support for an end to bullfighting, with local citizens collecting over 180,000 signatures, the Catalonian government is due to vote on the future of bullfighting in the region.
This vote could be a historic step towards ending the brutal spectacle of bullfighting.
Please join us and the citizens of Catalonia in sending a message to the Catalonian government, explaining how you support an end to bullfighting and encouraging them to take a stand against cruel bullfights.
Mark Glover
Humane Society International/Europe
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