11th February 1990 was one of those classic days we all in the future ask ‘Where we you when…’ or ‘I remember when…’ That was the glorious day Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was finally released from prison after 27 years behind bars.
One of the remarkable stories of the last century, a man who fought to change one of the most embarrassing injustices of that era apartheid and ended up in jail and despite being offered conditional freedom after 22 years in jail he refused and stuck by his principles and spent a further 5 years incarcerated and at his age another truly example of a ‘Great Man and inspirational human being’ and someone who has motivated me to take up this challenge of running through the Amazon Rainforest.
On his release he became Leader of the ANC and eventually president of a new South Africa giving hope to millions of people all over the world and then a joint Nobel peace prize winner with F. W. de Klerk (whose part in this amazing story should not be forgotten) and both men on retirement still doing charity work and trying to help their fellow man to make the world a better, safer and fairer world for all black and white, rich and poor.
20 years ago today I was glued to the TV all day singing the chorus line ‘Free Nelson Mandela’ by the Specials, and in somber moments remembering Martin Luther King’s quote ‘Free at last, free at last’ A remarkable day for us all. I never got fed up of watching Nelson and Winnie together and realizing that we can make a change and ‘If You Wanna Make The World A Better Place’ as the late great Michael Jackson sang later.
Nelson Mandela is arguably one of the most iconic politicians and statesmen of the last 50 years. His remarkable ability to show no malice towards his former enemies is something many could learn from. He is a man who had a vision for his country and lived to see his dream of a free South Africa realised.
I’m no great Politician or singer (although I do like to dance) I’m just an ordinary Joe trying to do something unique and raise money and awareness for something I feel is as important as the anti-apartheid movement, stopping de-forestation by Greedy Bastards and please pardon me for using profanity, those of you that know me know I do not like swearing but when I am passion about something I get quite emotional and that is what those people in the Amazon rainforest are, selfishly destroying a true wonder of our planet and murdering innocent people including a 72 year old nun ‘Sister Dot’ whose crime was to try and help the local and indigenous people.
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